Unwilling – A Shifter Romance

A Shifter Romance

Book Cover: Unwilling - A Shifter Romance
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: € 5,99
Pages: 276

Things aren’t easy for an Alpha-born werewolf. Jared has lived- and run from- this truth for all of his life, happy to stick to a bare minimum of fleeting friendships and romantic encounters, never quite putting down roots or taking on responsibility. When tensions rise and his brother Tobias is forced to kick him out of his family home, Jared takes it in stride. After all, what could be worse than the constant conflict he had to endure with his family?

Darwin doesn’t see life this way. Family is everything and he would do anything to keep his father safe. As a submissive, one who is supposed to be protected and kept safe, he feels the need to take care of those around him, even though things in his pack aren’t as they should be. First of all, they don’t know Darwin is a submissive. And secondly, if they were to find out, his life would be forfeit. Already, his Alpha and leader, Carl, has his suspicions about the brittle young man, but playing the dominant is a sacrifice Darwin gladly makes for the sake of his father.

When Jared meets Darwin, he doesn’t expect to fall madly in love, and he definitely doesn’t expect to care this much about what might happen to Darwin if Jared doesn’t step up and save him from his Alpha. A little heroism doesn’t seem like too tall an order at first, but when he realizes the deep trouble Darwin is in, he finds that he might have bitten off more than he can chew.

Cover Artists:

[m/m, non-omegaverse, werewolves, paranormal fantasy, explicit content]

Shapeshifter (Babylon City Chronicles #1)

A Babylon City Chronicles Novel

Book Cover: Shapeshifter (Babylon City Chronicles #1)
Part of the Babylon City Chronicles series:
  • Shapeshifter (Babylon City Chronicles #1)
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: € 3,99
Pages: 165

Kelaste DeLargo-Lagrada is a cat-shapeshifter with no knowledge as to how he came to be this way and a bleak existence as the miserable, unwanted, drug-addicted son of one of the richest men in all of Babylon City. When he meets Noom- mercenary extraordinaire and bad person to the boot- in the worst possible circumstances, all his mundane problems dissipate beneath the sudden realization that someone out there wants him dead.

Although narcissistic Noom is supposed to kill Kel, the violent mercenary is confronted with a strange pull towards waifish, skittish Kelaste and can't bring himself to pull the trigger. This puts him in a bind: not only does he not know who might want to kill Kel, but there is also a time limit on the contract. If Noom wants to save his strange new friend, he himself will become a target, something he managed to avoid in the past.
His growing attraction to his captive isn’t the only chink in Noom’s plan, though. Noom is confronted with a much bigger problem: The man he desires isn't human and will probably cost him his life. Already, other assassins have picked up the call to arms, closing in on them and tightening the proverbial noose around Noom’s neck. With time running out, Noom has to decide; is he really willing to risk his life?


[M/M, dub-con, steamy, urban fantasy, shapeshifters, explicit language]

The Warlock From The South Side (Babylon City Shorts #1)

A Babylon City Chronicles Short Story

Book Cover: The Warlock From The South Side (Babylon City Shorts #1)
Part of the Babylon City Shorts series:
  • The Warlock From The South Side (Babylon City Shorts #1)
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: € 1,99
Pages: 24

Alaric Creutz is a warlock in a bind; with All Hallows Eve around the corner, all bets—and all hope of self-restraint—are off. The Dark, his innate demonic power, has been building up way too long. With the looming pressure of Halloween breathing down his neck, Alaric needs to vent. Quickly.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of ways to rid himself of what could become an epic clusterfuck in his near future: He may have a choice, but it’s only between a good romp in the sheets, or a bout of cataclysmic violence.
Were it not for vampires, werewolves, and a very pushy raven shifter, venting would be an easy thing. With things being as they are, though, Alaric is in for quite a ride.


[Contains: First person narrative, a lot of foul language, descriptive violence, m/m steaminess, a touch of dub-con]

Moonrise: a Gay Sci-Fi Adventure

Book Cover: Moonrise: a Gay Sci-Fi Adventure
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: € 4,99
Pages: 244

Fed up with this world? Thought about moving to Mars?

Not enough distance? Well, then!

What if you had the chance to become something completely different? To change what you are and leave the world you know, the solar system you know, behind? Would you take the plunge?

Yago Solas never got to ponder and much less answer those questions, but he faces the consequences when an escaped alien creature infects him with a mutating virus that takes everything from him, even his humanity.

The experiments intended to heal him soon turn to cold interest in his new physiology, and the very people supposed to save him become his enemies, his hunters, his looming demise. And why not? Who could feel sympathy for a twisted creature like him, much less love him now, looking like this?

Still, the Maker smiles down on all his childen. The space ship on which he is being held as a prisoner crashes and sends Yago stumbling into an alien culture and into the lap of Azekial Yyn-Thyr, a snarly, grim A'shian guard captain. The wary alien doesn't care how Yago looks, but he may yet prove to be his demise; A'shian legends tell of a species that caused a cataclysm responsible for stranding the A'shians where they are, and the Terrans might just fit the bill…

Cover Artists: